We specialize in supplying financial institutions, including CASPs and EMIs, with accredited and regulator-accepted Money Laundering Reporting Officer (MLRO), Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) and/or Data Protection Officer (DPO) specialists, with an official employment contract.
We can also manage the administrative infrastructure, including but not limited to setting up a local physical office and providing employees day-to-day management. More than 50 regulated companies in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, the Czech Republic and Poland trust our solutions.
Our AML compliance solutions, used by industry leading companies, enable to reap the benefits of certified professionals and regulatory compliance through flexible service plans. Outsourcing compliance personnel roles often makes business sense as it saves time (no HR issues), provides value (synergized approach) and helps to mitigate expenses related risks (quick substitutes and relationship exit). In addition, we can supply AML compliance teams to manage back-office functions and provide AML training, but we do not provide software infrastructure (KYC/KYT) solutions.
Our tailored packages are particularly valuable for CASPs, EMIs and other regulated fintech businesses as we can establish local management and compliance teams to meet regulatory requirements in any stage of the business – most of our candidates have at least five years industry experience, higher education and in some cases also ex-regulator background.